Saturday, June 14, 2008

I miss our old house

I know why we had to move. It was too big, too expensive and just wasn't working for us anymore. But I miss it. I miss 1400 square feet of hardwood floors, even though they weren't in such good shape. I miss 15 windows and a skylight. I miss my 20'x20' bedroom, and my living room of the same size. I miss five closets, and two spare rooms to keep our stuff. I MISS BEING QUEEN OF MY OWN KITCHEN! And I miss being surrounded by my books and crafts.

These are some pics I took in April of the huge tree outside our door. Our apartment was on the second floor, and the deck seemed to sit right in the lower branches. I loved this tree.

So we're here, cramped into a little tiny space in someone else's place, trying to do the right thing. Granted, it's not so bad. We are with family who love us. Our space is totally ours and relatively private. We have our very own yard and a shared garden that's growing like gangbusters. We're saving lots of money so we can buy our very own home in a year or two.

But I miss our old place.

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