Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Global warming, it's not just for summer!

So it's the second half of May, full of plantings and sunshine and walking in the dew barefoot and scraping the frost off my windshield in the morning and...wait a minute. Back up to that last thing? Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, I had to perform the dreaded Scrape While the Car Warms Up ritual twice in the past week and it's only Wednesday. The third Wednesday in MAY, might I remind you. I fear for my fragile newborn veggies and herbs lest the frigid weather carry them to their deaths. If they have met their Maker, I am fortunate enough to live in an agricultural area with Farmers' Markets aplenty. But we were so looking forward to finally providing for ourselves this year. Oh well, it's still early so we'll see what happens.

Here's a pic of The Tall Guy around age 16 that The Mama dug up. What a cutie, and so tall already:

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