Friday, April 25, 2008

Ready for the move

Holy ravioli, it's been days since I last wrote. We've been renovating and packing and painting and packing and giving away furniture and packing and packing AND PACKING! What on earth were we thinking when we moved in here? The Tall Guy had his home, The Boychik and I had ours, and we all moved into an apartment large enough to hold everything. Now that we're squeezing into 1/4 of the space, we are able to truly see what clutter-hogs we've become. No more. Everything must go! And most of it has - to neighbors, relatives, friends and strangers.

What's left (which is still considerable, including our king-size bed) is to be moved over the next two days. The weather is in the mid-60s and relatively clear. The Tall Guy is snotty (in a sick way, not in attitude) as is the Mother-in-law. The Father-in-law is stressed, and I'm just plain pooped. Buck up, everyone, the final push is on and I can see the end of the road!

Pics and more postings after a period of recovery. Oh - the best news of the last few weeks: I found some Kool-Aid and completed my dye project, and the baby blanket is finished! This blog has served at least one purpose, it provides me with motivation to get stuff done! TTYL :)

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