Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Moving to Mama's

Yes, you heard me right, we're moving in with in-laws. And although it sounds like a recipe for disaster, the reality is much more optimistic. First of all, I have the second best in-laws in the universe...The Tall Guy has the very best, of course!

What it comes down to is simple math:
Our ridiculously expensive apartment x 3 years = No $$ saved.
Living with the parents x 3 years = Lots of $$ saved!

The Tall Guy and his father have spent the last few weeks renovating the back half of the house - taking down a wall, installing insulation, sheet rock, primer...they've been very productive. Maybe later I'll post some before and after pics. We're moving May 1st, our apartment looks like a train wreck, and The Tall Guy is giving away all our possessions every time I turn my back.

The bottom line is this is the step we have to take in order to realize our goals. And it's not a bad deal. I'll have a yard of my own to do whatever I want (I'm visualizing a labyrinth, some gardens and just maybe an outdoor oven with an open fire pit for cooking and dyeing fiber). We'll finally have space to start our Great Garden Project, or to just sit in the grass and be lazy. And I am looking forward to spending more time with family. Hm...check back in six months and we'll see if I still feel that way!

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