Monday, September 7, 2009

Saying Goodbye to Summer

It's very sad. Even though fall is my favorite season, we don't feel that we got to experience much of a summer in these parts. We're just not ready for it to be over yet. Garden-wise, this year has been a terrible disappointment. Daily thunderstorms of biblical proportions, very little sun and a regional tomato blight has rendered all our hard work virtually useless. Out of the entire garden we harvested six banana peppers. That's all. Everything else was drowned or devoured by fungus. See this article:

On the positive side (and we know to always look for the positive spin), I didn't have to spend an August week in a 2,000 degree kitchen canning our wonderful annual bounty of tomatoes, sauce, pickles, salsa and chutney.


Some good stuff has happened, as well. Football starts this week. I got a new tattoo. The Girl-Child came to visit for four very loud and busy days. The Tall Guy and I came into a windfall - a business associate had a book sale with a jillion leftovers, which I was then allowed to browse at my leisure. The result? Almost twenty boxes of books, including two complete Time-Life Series. One is the Home Repair & Improvement series of 35 volumes; the other is the Encyclopedia of Gardening with 28 volumes. I picked up books on furniture building, alternative energy for home use, herbs, landscaping, labyrinths, sundials, homesteading and a dozen organic gardening primers. Also a ton of fiction, biography, memoir, sociology and political commentary, spirituality, women's studies, black history, mysteries, games and even a book on CD. It adds up to a winter's worth of reading and research, I'm very excited about it. The only problem (and book addicts can relate) is that there are SO MANY choices, I don't really know where to begin!

So how was your summer?

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