Sunday, August 10, 2008

CAUTION - May Contain Profanity

So I got an email from a friend the other day, accusing me of misrepresentation of our life with the in-laws. And she was right (as usual - it's so annoying). It looks like everything is happiness and sunshine up here, with us in our space, them in theirs, and all of us meeting in the garden to dance in the moonlight.

Well, it's not. At all.

***This section edited for the health of my reputation and that of my family. It was a long rambling vent, for which I apologize. And now, back to our originally scheduled program, already in progress***

So, armed with my new promotion paycheck, we step back into the swamp of rentals - heat included or utilities extra - pets or no pets - and who is going to plow the driveway this winter?

Wish us luck!

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