In other garden news...look at our lettuce!

We also have broccoli, tomatoes (Dr. Wyches Yellow, Reinhard's Goldkirsche and something The Father-in-law selected), cukes (English seedless, Lemon and Boston Pickling), beans (green string, McCaslin and Purple Poles), peppers (yellow banana, habanero, Corno di Toro Giallo and Sweet Chocolate), Walla Walla sweet onions and a ton of other stuff. The FIL has the greenest thumb of anyone I've ever known except for my mom. So it looks like a bountiful season ahead!
Here are some dumb clucks who share our yard space.

And the hummingbird feeder in our back cedar trees. It gets a lot of action, but I'm way too slow to get a shot of an actual hummingbird. Picture one here:
These were all taken last week, as you can see by the dates. Other than the lettuce, which has taken off like a house afire, it all pretty much looks the same :)
Wilting in the heat and wishing you all a Happy Saturday!
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