On the homefront: The Tall Guy continues his battle against Lyme disease with me firmly by his side. It's a long aggravating tale of which I'm not going to share much here. If you have or suspect you may have Lyme, any of its co-infections, MS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue or any one of about a thousand illnesses that may be Lyme in disguise - CALDA is our favorite place to start. The California Lyme Disease Association at www.lymedisease.org also has a terrific Facebook page. Check it out, it's really a wealth of information.
The Girlchild got married a week before Christmas. We love her new hubby, AJ. He's funny and slightly twisted, so he's a really good fit with the rest of the family. They're very happy and we're happy for them.
The Boychik is doing well. Talking about returning to school in the fall to start a liberal arts curriculum. His girlfriend, Vee, has been a terrific influence on him, so naturally we love her also. They're both modeling for an art school and bringing in some respectable bucks. Good for them!
We are finally actively searching for a home! We don't know if we will find our dream or our interim yet. Since The Tall Guy is so ill with no end in sight, we may need to adjust our fantasies of small-scale farming. Which is okay. We're happy to support our local CSAs if we can't grow our own. We can still have many of the things we want - off-grid power, shelves full of preserves and a dairy goat. Who of course will need a cashmere goat for a friend! So we'll either start off with some land and an old country house, or buy a place within civilization and rent it out down the road.
I'm working on developing a craft business. It's terribly complicated in the legal sense, and insanely fulfilling in every other way. It's wonderful to have a creative outlet and show it off! I have a business name and website. As soon as I'm established, I will post links.
One of things we've been working on is adjusting The Tall Guy's diet to better control his illness. Sugar is a terrible catalyst for him, but he seems to tolerate alternatives. Agave, stevia, grain syrups, etc. Sigh. Baking with stevia is complicated! Brown rice syrup is a good choice, but expensive to buy and almost impossible to make at home. Not sure where we'll end up, but we will get off the evil sugar train.
So what's up with you?