She came to visit recently with her boyfriend and a girl we refer to as my "other daughter". The Other Daughter wanted a tattoo, a dragonfly. Now The Tall Guy and I have a thing about dragonflies. They appear all over our home, and we've considered naming our farm after them. As soon as it was mentioned, I knew that was the right one. And as luck would have it, The Girlchild decided she wanted to get her first tattoo, as well. What a great bonding with my baby, my first child, the one I loved so much that I cried when I learned I was pregnant with her brother. I loved her so, I didn't see how I could possibly have any room in my heart for the new baby (it turned out that I did, of course).
We have a rocky past, The nina and I. We haven't lived together for a very long time. She has her bitterness and I have my regrets. We don't always understand each other. I don't know if she listens when I give her advice. I don't know if I have the right to give her any advice, considering our history. But I still love her with everything in my soul. I hope when she goes to Hawaii to study for her Doctorate, she will look at her tattoo from time to time and remember when we were marked together. I hope she knows how enormously proud I am of her spirit and her drive. And I hope she forgives my mistakes and remembers that, like the dragonfly, we all go through changes before we turn into what we were truly meant to be. Te quiero, Chica.