So we're in, more or less. Meaning The Tall Guy is here, the cats are here, ALL of our stuff is here, and so am I. And it's not the complete utter mayhem it was even four days ago (a hundred million thank yous to my darling organized husband). But I'm feeling very disorganized and overwhelmed at the moment. Which is ridiculous, because all I do is go to work in the morning and come home at night. The Tall Guy does all the cleaning, unpacking and essential house stuff, as well as tending to the care and feeding of Yours Truly. He is an amazing man, and I stand in official awe of him.
These feelings are a normal part of moving for me. In a week or two, I will settle down. Goodness knows when I'll get some more pics up, but I promise to try soon if you promise to come back and look at them. Deal?
One a positive note, I spent all day Sunday cooking in my VERY OWN KITCHEN!! Life is good.