This weekend we finally found enough ingredients ripe and ready at the same time for salsa. So I made it, and ya know what? It was beautiful. I mean it was really, truly a thing of beauty. Here's the recipe:
A bunch of tomatoes, any kind, really ripe
Banana peppers
Walla-Walla Onion
Sea Salt
Chop it all as fine as you can, mix it all together and refrigerate overnight. Next day, grab some chips or a spoon or a snow shovel and gorge until you can't take anymore. Finis.
I know, there are no quantities listed. Because that's how we learn to be flexible and cook creatively. But if pressed, I would tell you that I used 1/3 as much banana pepper and 1/2 as much onion as I did tomato. And I don't remember how many cloves of garlic, but I think there were four. And a few dashes of salt. It made a medium Gladware bowlful, minus what The Tall Guy stole from me during the process. It was delicious.
What else have we been doing? Well, zucchini, of course. Lots and lots of zucchini - in stir fry and pickles and salads and bread and cookies and gifts for anyone who will take them. It's not been too overwhelming because we eat them almost every day so as not to be overrun in our sleep. Also yellow summer squash, early spaghetti squash, tomatoes, cukes, tomatoes, potatoes, tomatoes, green beans, asparagus beans, tomatoes and those amazing onions. Peaches, plums, dill, basil, oregano and bee balm (for tea). Soon the tomatoes will start arriving in bushels instead of pecks and The Mama and I will have a day of canning sauces, salsas and chutneys.
I love summer!